Monday, November 7, 2011


NOTE: Headphones required. More information follows:

This is a detoxification protocol for Yellow-1. One should wear headphones and avoid any external distractions. Focus on the vibration. (There is only one.)

Ideally this video would be reviewed in a darkened room, and in a chair that would support your unconscious body. Repeated exposures in one sitting should not exceed 3, after which point one should wait at least 8 hours.

Typical side effects include paranoia and anxiety upon the first few exposures (2-5), followed by a pleasant drowsiness and near-instant relaxation of musculature on all further exposures.

The protocol has been concluded when your mind is completely purged of any notions of containing knowledge. This has been found to occur after 9 or more exposures.

Once a complete detoxification has been achieved the experience of reading this text will be very different. You will "see the fnords", to coin a phrase.

* Original unaltered audio "The Stars" by Tom Fahy licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
* Application of detoxification technology by Sirus Burns, which significantly altered the original sound.

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