Monday, September 19, 2011
For Your Consideration
A quick note on the use of the word "they".
There is no SINGLE "they".
Some of "them" are organized. Some are not. Some have plans. Some do not. Some are what we would call "malevolent", but this ranges through "ambivalent" all the way up to "benevolent".
Simply put: what are humans from a mouse's perspective?
Depends on the human.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Confessions, Part 3
See also:
Confessions, Part 1
Confessions, Part 2
Your comment about not enjoying vulnerability is the sad story of the modern world I'm afraid. We live in an age where it is easier than ever to locate and track anyone, do anything you want to them, and move on with no consequences as long as you can show proper papers for it. The vast majority are walking naked and blindfolded before those with power, and the only thing that keeps the system moving is the simple belief that they are, in fact, safe.
Poor fools.
Embrace your vulnerability, Lucas. You will be humiliated, hurt, and colossally defeated when you least expect it in this life. It is a certainty. Own it, accept it, find the freedom of being one with it and stepping forward in the face of it. Doing so is the beginning of real power in this world, rather than the illusion thereof.
Regarding "morality": everybody, without exception, thinks they are the "good guys" Lucas. Everybody is the hero of their own story. From Genghis Kahn ordering his troops to kill all of the males in a village and rape the rest, to owners of modern-day child armies in Africa, to pedophile necrophiliacs on death row, everyone is of the opinion that they've made the best choice available given the circumstances. Everyone thinks they are virtuous "underneath it all".
I do my best to divest myself of any such illusions. I do what I do because it serves my curiosity and I enjoy the ego boost of doing what few people dream of. Whether what I do is for good or for ill is likely something I'll only discover years after the fact, or perhaps when I'm dead and gone and eternity grants me a quick look back.
Regarding morality as it relates to organizations: it doesn't. An organization is, inherently, an amoral construction. Think of it like an insect. Good or evil are abstract concepts beyond the insect's capacity for comprehension. While all organizations are originally birthed for theoretically virtuous reasons, those reasons quickly get forgotten. "Mission and Value Statements" are forgotten in any organization over 10 years old. After that point it exists for one reason only: to grow.
This is true of corporations, government agencies, and even charities. The people who make it run are operating on an insect-level logic, and are neither moral nor immoral. They just operate.
While you may disagree from a philosophical point of view, I must urge you to accept it from a functional point of view. This has been tested and proven to be a useful way to work with organizations time and time again. We get fantastic results using this approach. I dare say that if organizations were moral... well, there wouldn't be much for me to do in a day.
Your comment about my casual yet confusing reference to mind control programs and the like is well taken. When something is well-understood the mistake is to begin to consider it "obvious", no matter how specialized the knowledge happens to be. It is a logical blunder that I will do my best not to repeat.
One point that should be quickly clarified then: the express purpose of erasing my early life from my mind was purely to give myself a "blank slate" upon which to build what I will. No biases, no old wounds that need healing, no old wishes to be just like mommy or daddy or big bro, just a grand vast void within which I can construct whatever I fancy.
This email has already gone on a fair bit without covering my areas of expertise, which was the original intent when I took the keyboard this evening. In general one might say that I'm a coordinator of other people's genius.
Earlier in my career I polished up and codified the extensive work from the past century or so in the manipulation of public perception. We're at a point now where the general public is easy enough to manipulate that even an idiot can handle the task, and so I'm only ever called in when something on a global scale needs to be addressed. It's a fairly old science anyway.
The best example I can think of is when Constantine decided to convince Christians that there was no such thing as reincarnation, removing all references to it from the books of the Bible. Such was his success that centuries later Christians are completely unaware of the earlier versions of their own sacred document. Biblical scholars are trained even now to omit any book from the Bible deemed "inconsistent", and so a dozen or so books are floating around out there that are considered sacrilegious even though they're more "authentic" than what is referred to as holy.
There was a time where I considered Constantine's achievement the high-water mark for public manipulation but so much has been done since then, and the techniques have become so easy, that the whole thing bores me now.
Given my personal experiences and natural talents I was recruited at one point to work as a handler for programmed operatives that have been sprinkled around the world, all of whom consider themselves normal people living normal lives. It was a complete waste of my talents. You learn a few trigger words and programming protocols and send them off to seduce or kill someone, then suggest some false memories and send them on their way. Ultimately you're using about as much of your mind as you might operating a crane or a remote control car. While the boredom was a big contributor to my moving on, the tipping point was the paperwork. Layers upon layers of encoding, government protocols, and the constant droning speeches of how it was all for the "greater good" and a "higher cause" blah blah blah... nothing is more tedious than a person who takes themselves seriously, and the people I was forced to work with at the time were pathetic zealots.
There are a few stories there I suppose, both in some large-scale manipulations we've pulled off and some intrigue with a half-dozen three letter agencies, but maybe we'll come back to all of that later. On with the timeline...
It was around this point that I took a year long sabbatical to decide on where I really wanted to spend my time. I deconstructed the mind control programs that people were using and found them to be fairly complete, with little room for true innovation beyond what amounts to parlor tricks. I investigated the newer work being done in nootropics, brainwave entrainment, and magnetic brain interference patterns. Somewhere along the lines I came across what became the bulk of my current work: the "real" manipulation of space/time through altered perception. This led me down the road of the occult, psychedelics, and other newly-invented fields of study that I haven't had the opportunity to name yet.
I'll have to give some thought on how to continue with this. It occurs to me that the past few paragraphs have fallen into the trap of assuming you know what I'm talking about when, likely, you have no idea. Most people don't. Perhaps giving specific examples of experiments I've run will help. Let me take a few days to consider how to do so without exposing anyone.
Meanwhile, feel free to ask more questions.
Confessions, Part 1
Confessions, Part 2
Your comment about not enjoying vulnerability is the sad story of the modern world I'm afraid. We live in an age where it is easier than ever to locate and track anyone, do anything you want to them, and move on with no consequences as long as you can show proper papers for it. The vast majority are walking naked and blindfolded before those with power, and the only thing that keeps the system moving is the simple belief that they are, in fact, safe.
Poor fools.
Embrace your vulnerability, Lucas. You will be humiliated, hurt, and colossally defeated when you least expect it in this life. It is a certainty. Own it, accept it, find the freedom of being one with it and stepping forward in the face of it. Doing so is the beginning of real power in this world, rather than the illusion thereof.
Regarding "morality": everybody, without exception, thinks they are the "good guys" Lucas. Everybody is the hero of their own story. From Genghis Kahn ordering his troops to kill all of the males in a village and rape the rest, to owners of modern-day child armies in Africa, to pedophile necrophiliacs on death row, everyone is of the opinion that they've made the best choice available given the circumstances. Everyone thinks they are virtuous "underneath it all".
I do my best to divest myself of any such illusions. I do what I do because it serves my curiosity and I enjoy the ego boost of doing what few people dream of. Whether what I do is for good or for ill is likely something I'll only discover years after the fact, or perhaps when I'm dead and gone and eternity grants me a quick look back.
Regarding morality as it relates to organizations: it doesn't. An organization is, inherently, an amoral construction. Think of it like an insect. Good or evil are abstract concepts beyond the insect's capacity for comprehension. While all organizations are originally birthed for theoretically virtuous reasons, those reasons quickly get forgotten. "Mission and Value Statements" are forgotten in any organization over 10 years old. After that point it exists for one reason only: to grow.
This is true of corporations, government agencies, and even charities. The people who make it run are operating on an insect-level logic, and are neither moral nor immoral. They just operate.
While you may disagree from a philosophical point of view, I must urge you to accept it from a functional point of view. This has been tested and proven to be a useful way to work with organizations time and time again. We get fantastic results using this approach. I dare say that if organizations were moral... well, there wouldn't be much for me to do in a day.
Your comment about my casual yet confusing reference to mind control programs and the like is well taken. When something is well-understood the mistake is to begin to consider it "obvious", no matter how specialized the knowledge happens to be. It is a logical blunder that I will do my best not to repeat.
One point that should be quickly clarified then: the express purpose of erasing my early life from my mind was purely to give myself a "blank slate" upon which to build what I will. No biases, no old wounds that need healing, no old wishes to be just like mommy or daddy or big bro, just a grand vast void within which I can construct whatever I fancy.
This email has already gone on a fair bit without covering my areas of expertise, which was the original intent when I took the keyboard this evening. In general one might say that I'm a coordinator of other people's genius.
Earlier in my career I polished up and codified the extensive work from the past century or so in the manipulation of public perception. We're at a point now where the general public is easy enough to manipulate that even an idiot can handle the task, and so I'm only ever called in when something on a global scale needs to be addressed. It's a fairly old science anyway.
The best example I can think of is when Constantine decided to convince Christians that there was no such thing as reincarnation, removing all references to it from the books of the Bible. Such was his success that centuries later Christians are completely unaware of the earlier versions of their own sacred document. Biblical scholars are trained even now to omit any book from the Bible deemed "inconsistent", and so a dozen or so books are floating around out there that are considered sacrilegious even though they're more "authentic" than what is referred to as holy.
There was a time where I considered Constantine's achievement the high-water mark for public manipulation but so much has been done since then, and the techniques have become so easy, that the whole thing bores me now.
Given my personal experiences and natural talents I was recruited at one point to work as a handler for programmed operatives that have been sprinkled around the world, all of whom consider themselves normal people living normal lives. It was a complete waste of my talents. You learn a few trigger words and programming protocols and send them off to seduce or kill someone, then suggest some false memories and send them on their way. Ultimately you're using about as much of your mind as you might operating a crane or a remote control car. While the boredom was a big contributor to my moving on, the tipping point was the paperwork. Layers upon layers of encoding, government protocols, and the constant droning speeches of how it was all for the "greater good" and a "higher cause" blah blah blah... nothing is more tedious than a person who takes themselves seriously, and the people I was forced to work with at the time were pathetic zealots.
There are a few stories there I suppose, both in some large-scale manipulations we've pulled off and some intrigue with a half-dozen three letter agencies, but maybe we'll come back to all of that later. On with the timeline...
It was around this point that I took a year long sabbatical to decide on where I really wanted to spend my time. I deconstructed the mind control programs that people were using and found them to be fairly complete, with little room for true innovation beyond what amounts to parlor tricks. I investigated the newer work being done in nootropics, brainwave entrainment, and magnetic brain interference patterns. Somewhere along the lines I came across what became the bulk of my current work: the "real" manipulation of space/time through altered perception. This led me down the road of the occult, psychedelics, and other newly-invented fields of study that I haven't had the opportunity to name yet.
I'll have to give some thought on how to continue with this. It occurs to me that the past few paragraphs have fallen into the trap of assuming you know what I'm talking about when, likely, you have no idea. Most people don't. Perhaps giving specific examples of experiments I've run will help. Let me take a few days to consider how to do so without exposing anyone.
Meanwhile, feel free to ask more questions.
Friday, September 9, 2011
НЛО над Москвой
September 7, 2011 above Moscow at 20:33 local time, recorded on a cellphone:
Why these things aren't restricted to daylight hours I do not know. There's a video camera in the hands of every person on the planet at the moment people! Think!
Why these things aren't restricted to daylight hours I do not know. There's a video camera in the hands of every person on the planet at the moment people! Think!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Confessions, Part 2
See Confessions, Part 1.
I'm glad your skeptical. Stay that way. Belief in anything is a mistake. There's not a thought that can be expressed by human language that isn't, in some way, off the mark. A good friend of mine often reminds me that "nothing is knowable". Your mistrust is wisdom.
As far as convincing you or offering you "proofs", I've no real interest. What is in this for me is the act of finally telling someone what has happened from my point of view. Whether that someone ever believes me is completely beside the point.
But do needle me with questions if something seems out of place Lucas. That's a tendency that others will find irritating but you'll need to continue the habit.
As for the gaggle of strange and duplicitous figures from The Nautonier, Neurocam, and of course our dear Yellow-1, let's just say... nothing that is said is meant to communicate knowledge. Rather, it is meant to have an effect. You will be told things that aren't "true" in the strictest sense of how we use that word, but that doesn't mean it isn't important to work with what you're given. See the Freemason Degree system for a good public example of that.
Besides, the trick with these groups is that they're larger than the members realize. You know how it is with these things... all of it is cell-based, people who think they're in charge are often just pawns, and there may or may not even be a head. Most of the time it isn't important to know one way or another, and this system of operation in ignorance has been quite effective.
That's how the current crisis started of course... but I digress...
Good bunch though, always up for a bit of hey-hey and what-what if you know what I mean.
So, you'd like to start with me and my work. Of all the things you could have asked, that's one of the most difficult. Still, I find the idea of talking about myself an interesting one considering how little I know about the subject.
A few months ago I was cleaning out an old residence of mine, shredding old papers and disposing of a bit of equipment that had been left there. One always needs to go back and sweep up the detritus, Lucas. I've seen entire enterprises fall apart because someone left a few notes behind that get discovered by another organization and the next thing you know "smallpox" is back.
I was shifting a larger filing cabinet onto a dolly when I noticed a folder had slipped through onto the floor. I've taped folders to the back of drawers before, but apparently the tape gave out at some point. Strangely, I had no memory of doing this. When I opened the folder I was quite surprised at the contents.
Apparently at some point I had put my "real" papers there. Here was my birth certificate, passport, driver's license and even my high school diploma. It was the first time I had seen my birth name in print in years.
Obviously, I shredded it all before burning it.
My original identity, the one my parents gave me, is something I've carefully purged from the world as well as my own memory. The reason for this was a good one, I think, but the truth is I can't really remember the whole story from back then. More than likely it was a precursor to the intense mental training and surgery that followed.
The work that I do takes me through a number of organizations that are often under the impression that they are working against one another. In order to encourage this misconception I'll often create identities and histories for myself. This allows me to see things from the perspective of other people with complete sincerity, and it also allows me to blend in with groups I would otherwise not connect with at all. Each personality is fully formed and "runs the show", so to speak, with an "operating system" personality running in the background to keep me on-task. One might say that I have a dissociative disorder, only I generally feel like I'm in the driver's seat and am fully capable of consciously managing the different identities and the personalities that go along with them.
It's quite handy. Things like panic and rage become completely optional. I can cry or laugh and mean it whole-heartedly, and I can watch with casual detachment as surgery is done on my knee or my entire life's work goes down in flames. Sexual preference is arbitrary. Allergies can be mounted or unmounted as needed. True psychopathy and a state very close to autism is available to me as well.
The pathos I used when reacting to the sounds in Kiev, for instance, was genuine at the time.
In order to acquire this skill I was put through some intense training, a strict chemical and drug schedule, and a little minor surgery at the brain stem. Nothing too invasive, just a bit of damage that allowed me to heal the tissue back in a new way. I'm fairly confident that I'm not one of those dolls that have been brainwashed through trauma-based mind control from early childhood - my "therapy" is radically different from the procedures they undergo. I became involved in the work a bit too late in life for that anyhow; at my age the traditional trauma mind recoding systems would just reduce me to a useless gibbering mass.
It should be noted that I did lose about a year and a half of memory at one point after my training had begun, This was about 3 years after the purge point of my early memories. During that time a few people thought to use me as they typically would a member of one of the formal mind control programs. When I began to reconstruct a "sense of self" enough to work around the programming, believe me, my "handlers" paid dearly.
I am an independent agent. Would-be handlers know better now.
Sadly, this hasn't resulted in the ability to "download" information into the brain. I've run a few experiments on this over the years, of course, but current technology only just barely achieves what a good hypnotherapist can accomplish without any outside aid. I had always meant to come back to this but more tantalizing projects came along and it fell by the wayside.
That's enough about me for now. Next time I'll discuss my work in brief.
Do let me know if you have questions.
I'm glad your skeptical. Stay that way. Belief in anything is a mistake. There's not a thought that can be expressed by human language that isn't, in some way, off the mark. A good friend of mine often reminds me that "nothing is knowable". Your mistrust is wisdom.
As far as convincing you or offering you "proofs", I've no real interest. What is in this for me is the act of finally telling someone what has happened from my point of view. Whether that someone ever believes me is completely beside the point.
But do needle me with questions if something seems out of place Lucas. That's a tendency that others will find irritating but you'll need to continue the habit.
As for the gaggle of strange and duplicitous figures from The Nautonier, Neurocam, and of course our dear Yellow-1, let's just say... nothing that is said is meant to communicate knowledge. Rather, it is meant to have an effect. You will be told things that aren't "true" in the strictest sense of how we use that word, but that doesn't mean it isn't important to work with what you're given. See the Freemason Degree system for a good public example of that.
Besides, the trick with these groups is that they're larger than the members realize. You know how it is with these things... all of it is cell-based, people who think they're in charge are often just pawns, and there may or may not even be a head. Most of the time it isn't important to know one way or another, and this system of operation in ignorance has been quite effective.
That's how the current crisis started of course... but I digress...
Good bunch though, always up for a bit of hey-hey and what-what if you know what I mean.
So, you'd like to start with me and my work. Of all the things you could have asked, that's one of the most difficult. Still, I find the idea of talking about myself an interesting one considering how little I know about the subject.
A few months ago I was cleaning out an old residence of mine, shredding old papers and disposing of a bit of equipment that had been left there. One always needs to go back and sweep up the detritus, Lucas. I've seen entire enterprises fall apart because someone left a few notes behind that get discovered by another organization and the next thing you know "smallpox" is back.
I was shifting a larger filing cabinet onto a dolly when I noticed a folder had slipped through onto the floor. I've taped folders to the back of drawers before, but apparently the tape gave out at some point. Strangely, I had no memory of doing this. When I opened the folder I was quite surprised at the contents.
Apparently at some point I had put my "real" papers there. Here was my birth certificate, passport, driver's license and even my high school diploma. It was the first time I had seen my birth name in print in years.
Obviously, I shredded it all before burning it.
My original identity, the one my parents gave me, is something I've carefully purged from the world as well as my own memory. The reason for this was a good one, I think, but the truth is I can't really remember the whole story from back then. More than likely it was a precursor to the intense mental training and surgery that followed.
The work that I do takes me through a number of organizations that are often under the impression that they are working against one another. In order to encourage this misconception I'll often create identities and histories for myself. This allows me to see things from the perspective of other people with complete sincerity, and it also allows me to blend in with groups I would otherwise not connect with at all. Each personality is fully formed and "runs the show", so to speak, with an "operating system" personality running in the background to keep me on-task. One might say that I have a dissociative disorder, only I generally feel like I'm in the driver's seat and am fully capable of consciously managing the different identities and the personalities that go along with them.
It's quite handy. Things like panic and rage become completely optional. I can cry or laugh and mean it whole-heartedly, and I can watch with casual detachment as surgery is done on my knee or my entire life's work goes down in flames. Sexual preference is arbitrary. Allergies can be mounted or unmounted as needed. True psychopathy and a state very close to autism is available to me as well.
The pathos I used when reacting to the sounds in Kiev, for instance, was genuine at the time.
In order to acquire this skill I was put through some intense training, a strict chemical and drug schedule, and a little minor surgery at the brain stem. Nothing too invasive, just a bit of damage that allowed me to heal the tissue back in a new way. I'm fairly confident that I'm not one of those dolls that have been brainwashed through trauma-based mind control from early childhood - my "therapy" is radically different from the procedures they undergo. I became involved in the work a bit too late in life for that anyhow; at my age the traditional trauma mind recoding systems would just reduce me to a useless gibbering mass.
It should be noted that I did lose about a year and a half of memory at one point after my training had begun, This was about 3 years after the purge point of my early memories. During that time a few people thought to use me as they typically would a member of one of the formal mind control programs. When I began to reconstruct a "sense of self" enough to work around the programming, believe me, my "handlers" paid dearly.
I am an independent agent. Would-be handlers know better now.
Sadly, this hasn't resulted in the ability to "download" information into the brain. I've run a few experiments on this over the years, of course, but current technology only just barely achieves what a good hypnotherapist can accomplish without any outside aid. I had always meant to come back to this but more tantalizing projects came along and it fell by the wayside.
That's enough about me for now. Next time I'll discuss my work in brief.
Do let me know if you have questions.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Confessions, Part 1
I was recently contacted by a young Yellow-1 agent named Lucas and asked to clarify the source of my apprehension regarding the strange sounds in Kiev this past August and the "it has come" playlist. The correspondence has taken a direction that I didn't anticipate.
I will post my replies over the coming weeks, omitting the agent's emails for privacy's sake. May you find them enlightening.
In my officially unofficial capacity as "Globe Trotting Mad Scientist" I'm frequently afforded quite a bit of latitude when it comes to what I can or cannot say. I'm free to drop hints, foreshadow, and otherwise make vague reference to what is going on. They get a little irritated at me, but ultimately it's understood that my doing so advances our cause more often than not.
When it comes to specifics, however, it's often against the best interest of... all concerned... for me to send intimate details. There are a great number of fates worse than death, Lucas, that befall those who talk to much. I should know. I've invented and tested quite a few of them myself.
Normally I'd leave it at that, not wanting to spend my remaining years in a hell beyond all imagining. (I sincerely hope that, as my compatriots believe, there is no afterlife. If there is we're in trouble.)
Your timing, however, is fortuitous.
We've just finished a large disinformation campaign where the noises heard the world over have been explained away as deep-drilling projects, rocket experiments (people always buy that one), and in one case a malfunctioning piece of equipment in a steel plant. Local news outlets have picked up the stories and run with them. More conspiratorially-minded individuals have been inundated with dozens of random ideas from tectonic plate shifting to cosmic storms to increased solar activity. They seem happy with these ideas despite the freely available public data clearly demonstrating that things are normal in those areas.
Remember Lucas: never pester the public with the "facts". They'll hate you for it. Even if I were to send a press release explaining the true cause of all of this, it would now be dismissed as crackpot propaganda.
This allows me to be a little more frank on the subject.
Besides, the honest truth is that it's been so long since I've been honest I'm... well, hungry for the experience. Something about the current apocalypse is bothering me in a much more personal way than normal. Maybe this is what they're referring to when they talk about "conscience"... or maybe I'm just tired of never being able to take full credit for my work.
Since I'm not currently operating in an official agent-facing capacity (do they still call them "agents"? or is it "operatives" these days?) I can't ask you to keep anything I say private... and frankly I don't care to. Feel free to share anything I send you with anyone. I know that there's always someone looking over my shoulder, even if they want me to believe they aren't reading my emails. So if I tell you something I shouldn't, it will be as if I've told the world as far as they're concerned... and at that point it will be the last thing I ever write.
I'll toe the line as best I can.
Tonight I am tired beyond my capacity to type further, but I'll get back to you soon. Think of specific questions in the meanwhile, that will help.
I will post my replies over the coming weeks, omitting the agent's emails for privacy's sake. May you find them enlightening.
In my officially unofficial capacity as "Globe Trotting Mad Scientist" I'm frequently afforded quite a bit of latitude when it comes to what I can or cannot say. I'm free to drop hints, foreshadow, and otherwise make vague reference to what is going on. They get a little irritated at me, but ultimately it's understood that my doing so advances our cause more often than not.
When it comes to specifics, however, it's often against the best interest of... all concerned... for me to send intimate details. There are a great number of fates worse than death, Lucas, that befall those who talk to much. I should know. I've invented and tested quite a few of them myself.
Normally I'd leave it at that, not wanting to spend my remaining years in a hell beyond all imagining. (I sincerely hope that, as my compatriots believe, there is no afterlife. If there is we're in trouble.)
Your timing, however, is fortuitous.
We've just finished a large disinformation campaign where the noises heard the world over have been explained away as deep-drilling projects, rocket experiments (people always buy that one), and in one case a malfunctioning piece of equipment in a steel plant. Local news outlets have picked up the stories and run with them. More conspiratorially-minded individuals have been inundated with dozens of random ideas from tectonic plate shifting to cosmic storms to increased solar activity. They seem happy with these ideas despite the freely available public data clearly demonstrating that things are normal in those areas.
Remember Lucas: never pester the public with the "facts". They'll hate you for it. Even if I were to send a press release explaining the true cause of all of this, it would now be dismissed as crackpot propaganda.
This allows me to be a little more frank on the subject.
Besides, the honest truth is that it's been so long since I've been honest I'm... well, hungry for the experience. Something about the current apocalypse is bothering me in a much more personal way than normal. Maybe this is what they're referring to when they talk about "conscience"... or maybe I'm just tired of never being able to take full credit for my work.
Since I'm not currently operating in an official agent-facing capacity (do they still call them "agents"? or is it "operatives" these days?) I can't ask you to keep anything I say private... and frankly I don't care to. Feel free to share anything I send you with anyone. I know that there's always someone looking over my shoulder, even if they want me to believe they aren't reading my emails. So if I tell you something I shouldn't, it will be as if I've told the world as far as they're concerned... and at that point it will be the last thing I ever write.
I'll toe the line as best I can.
Tonight I am tired beyond my capacity to type further, but I'll get back to you soon. Think of specific questions in the meanwhile, that will help.
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