Friday, November 18, 2011

Confessions, Part 5

See also:
Confessions, Part 1
Confessions, Part 2
Confessions, Part 3
Confessions, Part 4



Since the last email I was underwater for a few weeks, in the hospital for another week, and then desperately shoveling through a mountain of paperwork. Through all of this my responsibilities at Yellow-1 are shifting and I need to do some preparation work in that area as well. To put it simply: I'm swamped. I apologize for the delay.

I'm glad that you've been experiencing some bewilderment. Hang on to that. Some of what you've said indicated that you were trying to "get clear" or to "sort out" what is going on. I urge you not to do so. Rather, embrace confusion. Attempt to retain what you've been exposed to while remaining bewildered. Further study is fine, but seek not understanding. Seek only input.

When I mentioned the "raw data" of the universe this is exactly what I meant: the pure, unfiltered content of reality pouring in without any attempt on your part to comprehend or process any of it. "Comprehension" is simply the process of creating a mental construct to symbolize the data in a more simplified manner. You think you understand. This is the shorthand of the brain. For example: a flash of teeth and a set of eyes pointing at us symbolizes a threat, and our body immediately jumps into fight-or-flight mode. This can be a very useful thing, and has kept the world's mammalian species from going extinct.

The problem is that this system of assigning mental constructions to the input has a nasty habit of filtering the data. While your reflexes are quickened, it makes you aware of less. You saw teeth and eyes and assumed a predator, but what if it wasn't? What if something incredible and extremely beneficial was there, but you were too busy reacting to an imagined threat? On a primitive survival level this doesn't matter, but in a world of lies and deceit it matters a great deal. Your mind assigns meanings and symbols to the data you're being fed according to preconceived ideas, all the while unaware that something infinitely more complex or unusual is occurring. For an example in the media: the creation of the two-party system in the United States has gone a long way toward convincing people that there are only two sides to any issue. You are either left or right, either for or against, and that these are the only perspectives that exist. People tell themselves that as long as there are opposing forces in a battle, one side is surely right and one side is surely wrong.

The reality, of course, is that not only are both sides wrong but the entire battle is based on a ridiculous premise. Deciding or debating who is correct is slightly less productive than a dog chasing his own tail, except as a truly effective way to keep everyone distracted.

You asked on what level of thinking you should apply the Cartesian logic system to. The answer is simple: all of them. Apply it to each of your senses while sitting in front of this screen. Apply it to the concept of "reading text". Apply it to all notions of physics, psychology, politics, spirituality, and even skill. If mankind had done this a few hundred years ago, concepts like "up" and "down" would have been understood to be arbitrary well before space travel, and the profound changes in literature and religion would have created a completely different world than the one we live in today.


Other business, in brief:

Regarding my sense of morality being "extremely neutral", please do try not to categorize. See the above notes.

Regarding a fear that someone might "get me", well, this could happen at any time I suppose but I don't think there's anyone that would care enough to bother. I was on the run a bit in the 90s but I think the CIA and I have come to an agreement we're both happy with at this point. My reaction to Kiev came out of a fleeting sense of guilt; one that has since passed. I never have feared being judged for it though. There isn't anybody to judge me, really. What horror may still come will not target me, specifically, even though I was at the "flash point" for the initial event.

I need to make something clear about this now Lucas, so please pay special attention to this part: I need to stop talking about Kiev for at least one more month. Please don't bring it up. I need to establish some psychic distance. In a month, we can likely speak much more frankly about the subject.

Why Yellow-1? Well, I've been running into them since I can remember. We tend to travel in the same circles, and have worked on a number of projects over the years. My adopting a more formal role within the organization seemed quite natural. Yellow-1 is an Agent of Change. While other agencies value bureaucracy and play at internal politics, Yellow-1 makes things move. That is where I need to be.


Back to Africa.

I'm afraid that time won't allow me to expand much on it here as we've had so much other business to discuss, so I'll be brief for the moment.

Looking back at my last message I realize now that I didn't make clear the average state of mind of the tenants of the facility. None of them, not one, was what we would call "sane".

The more mild cases had involuntary twitches in the face, shoulders, legs, or some combination thereof. The air was constantly filled with the chattering of the ranters, whose never-ending litanies addressed every subject from spider-monkey conspiracies to their personal vital role in keeping gravity functioning. This chatter was punctuated by howls, day and night, from those who felt they were victims of some imagined torture, or being chased by giant insects, or who were arguing with relatives some decades dead and gone.

The more violent outbursts had been "bred out" of the mix by the prison's system of natural selection: a crew of guards with short tempers and no accountability. There was an open pit around back with a bucket of lye next to it that got regular use.

This casual attitude about the survival rate of the inmates brought into question why the solitary deaths were a concern. Yes, it was a mysterious set of circumstances, but why go to the expense of bringing me out to examine the situation? These were not assets that they were trying to preserve, after all. Still, the "powers that be" were quite insistent that I get to the bottom of the matter, and who was I to argue? Besides, I was grateful for the break in the tedium.

When I write next I will begin to explain the strangeness surrounding these solitary deaths and how they lead to my eventual discoveries in things like Causal-Loop Closures and changing reality through perception, but for now I must attend to this pile of work that is looking at me menacingly and needs to be dealt with.



Monday, November 7, 2011


NOTE: Headphones required. More information follows:

This is a detoxification protocol for Yellow-1. One should wear headphones and avoid any external distractions. Focus on the vibration. (There is only one.)

Ideally this video would be reviewed in a darkened room, and in a chair that would support your unconscious body. Repeated exposures in one sitting should not exceed 3, after which point one should wait at least 8 hours.

Typical side effects include paranoia and anxiety upon the first few exposures (2-5), followed by a pleasant drowsiness and near-instant relaxation of musculature on all further exposures.

The protocol has been concluded when your mind is completely purged of any notions of containing knowledge. This has been found to occur after 9 or more exposures.

Once a complete detoxification has been achieved the experience of reading this text will be very different. You will "see the fnords", to coin a phrase.

* Original unaltered audio "The Stars" by Tom Fahy licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
* Application of detoxification technology by Sirus Burns, which significantly altered the original sound.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Manifesting Slenderman

Since the Slenderman myth is gaining such good traction I've been considering arranging for its real-world manifestation. It would make a powerful and handy daemon.

We'll have to wait and see, because obviously nothing can be done until two things are true:
  • The Slenderman myth has achieved enough saturation in the subconscious of, say, a few thousand people for me to draw upon their subconscious will to realize him.
  • New fiction about him has stopped production, allowing me complete control of the populace's assumptions about the creature.
We'll see how this all shakes out in 5 or 10 years. I can be patient.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Confessions, Part 4

See also:
Confessions, Part 1
Confessions, Part 2
Confessions, Part 3



it is very late where I am and I am very tired, but cannot seem to sleep tonight. There are any number of trace chemicals left in my system that may account for my insomnia, but sedation is a bit too risky to attempt as these are purely experimental elements and it is unknown what the interactions might be. I'll have to wait it out, and in the meanwhile will take the opportunity to continue this series of "confessions".

Many of your Yellow-1 compatriots have asked me to fill them in on the source of my distress regarding the noises in Kiev but I have not yet given them an answer. In part this is because the answer is, simply put, a secret that I would likely be... "punished", let's say, for revealing. I can hint and make glancing remarks, but the core truth I'm afraid will have to be seen when it becomes public.

Apart from that, to be honest, even if I told everyone straight out none of them would understand. This whole process has truly highlighted for me just how deep the world's secrets run, and how little the general public understands what is happening around them. There was a time where I thought that Shea and Wilson's "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" was a gross exaggeration of how far away from the truth people have been pushed. I now know that this bit of fiction doesn't even come close to going far enough.


To begin to understand anything one must reach through the illusions we've created for ourselves. A healthy place to start would be to accept one single truth: everything you know is a lie.

The practice of doing so must survive a specific application of Cartesian Logic. IE:
  • Everything you know is a lie.
  • Everything you don't know is a lie.
  • The opposite of everything you know is a lie.
  • The opposite of everything you don't know is a lie.
Note: many philosophical elitists would attempt to use Cartesian Logic in other ways here, but they would be doing so purely as a form of intellectual masturbation and not to get results. The above 4 points are the salient ones to revealing what comes next.

The single, central goal is to return your mind to the state of an infant's, where all data is accepted without any interpretation into what we foolishly call "information". While your systems of interpretation may stay intact (the ability to detect the edges of solid objects, an understanding that there are consciousnesses that are somehow separate from yourself, the notion that movement can have direction, etc...) one must gain the ability to look around these mental constructs at the raw data itself.

Apply yourself to this task, Lucas, and you will be the better for it. Even a momentary glimpse of the world in this fashion will reveal more volumes of knowledge than my rambling writings ever could.

I'd give you a resource for further study along these lines but... well the truth is I think I may have invented this technique. I could be wrong. Let me know if you've heard of it.


I suppose the time has come, Lucas, for me to provide background regarding some of my earlier experiments. Had I known where this would all lead in the future I might never have begun, but then again, I haven't achieved anything in this life by worrying about consequences.

Now that it comes down to it I'm not sure where to start...

I had mentioned before that there was a point where I became tired of programming people, biology and chemistry became a bore, and I took to wandering the globe looking for inspiration. I did some consulting work at intelligence agencies in various countries under various identities but my heart wasn't in it. I never lasted more than a few months before leaving and creating a new identity elsewhere. Eventually it got to the point where I didn't even bother to fake my own death anymore.

Somehow I ended up in South Africa. The Afrikaners were still busily torturing and killing their way through Apartheid and had brought me in as a consultant to help achieve "total population demoralization". The goal was to move the populace to a point where there was no question of absolute obedience to authority, and ideally to maintain a listless state of sorrowful yet productive commitment labor as the "New Normal". (A term which, by the way, I was able to resurrect during the Bush administration if you remember.)

The whole thing was a waste of time, if I'm being completely honest. The people I was supposed to be working with were all doing a very efficient job by themselves rounding up random citizens, imprisoning and torturing them, and then sending them back out to tell the tale. The populace was well and truly suppressed with only the occasional minor revolt. While I was able to convince them that abuse needed to remain anonymous (strangers raping strangers is accepted by society, but if the victim knows the name of a rapist the entire city riots... go figure), for the most part the people on the ground were happy doing things the way they were already doing them without my input no matter what their superiors said.

I couldn't really blame them. They were getting results. What more could I add, really?

So it was back to boredom, a feeling that I hate above all others, and nobody to blame for it but these moronic Afrikaners. I justified my presence by building statistical models that showed which methods were most effective and which were a waste of resources. What was done right, I claimed as my influence. It pleased the higher-ups. To make it more interesting for myself I also implied in more than one report that certain individuals on the ground were operating under the private orders of a specific Minister or General. In this way I bred suspicion and hostility between the ranks which, as I understand it, eventually lead to the end of Apartheid sometime after I left and the loss of any international power the Afrikaners might have claimed. Not my original intention, mind you, but I noted the results for later use.

Besides, they had it coming for boring me.

Just as I was preparing to leave I got a call to investigate one of the more remote prisons in the country. It was a full day's drive through back roads and dried river beds to find the facility, which was a large grey 2 story affair and the only sign of civilization for miles. Of course I use the term "civilization" loosely. It was filled with a mass of illiterate, gibbering savages who spent most of their time screaming about some injustice or other, and that was just the staff. The inmates made the place resemble more of an asylum than a prison, and it was clear that the place had pushed the staff to their wit's end. In order to keep everyone from quitting it had generally become understood that if you tried to quit you would be executed.

While a prison run by the mentally unbalanced is hardly anything new, they were having a difficult time determining the cause of deaths among the inmates. If the staff had been killing them they would have readily said so without fear of reprisal, but something else was going on here. Inmates were dying without, apparently, anyone killing them.

At first one would assume suicide or disease but there were no signs of either. There were no marks on the bodies, no fevers reported, loss of appetite, or unusual behavior (as compared to the other inmates) prior to death. The phenomena wasn't restricted to a specific wing or time of day, and the age and sex of the victims were fairly evenly distributed. There were only two patterns that the staff had noticed: firstly, that the phenomenon only occurred when the prisoner was placed in a room alone. All deaths that occurred around other inmates or staff were explainable, but these deaths in isolation were not.

The other peculiar thing was that they were all found with their hands covering their eyes and, due to an usually early onset of rigor mortis, the arms would be stuck in that position. The facial expressions of the dead were universally blank, as if this pile of organs had never hosted a consciousness in the first place.


Lucas I've just woken from apparently passing out about 10 hours ago at this desk. I'm sore from sleeping in such an awkward position and have a full schedule ahead so I'll have to call this the end for the time being.

I'll continue when I can.



Monday, September 19, 2011

For Your Consideration

A quick note on the use of the word "they".

There is no SINGLE "they".

Some of "them" are organized. Some are not. Some have plans. Some do not. Some are what we would call "malevolent", but this ranges through "ambivalent" all the way up to "benevolent".

Simply put: what are humans from a mouse's perspective?

Depends on the human.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Confessions, Part 3

See also:
Confessions, Part 1
Confessions, Part 2



Your comment about not enjoying vulnerability is the sad story of the modern world I'm afraid. We live in an age where it is easier than ever to locate and track anyone, do anything you want to them, and move on with no consequences as long as you can show proper papers for it. The vast majority are walking naked and blindfolded before those with power, and the only thing that keeps the system moving is the simple belief that they are, in fact, safe.

Poor fools.

Embrace your vulnerability, Lucas. You will be humiliated, hurt, and colossally defeated when you least expect it in this life. It is a certainty. Own it, accept it, find the freedom of being one with it and stepping forward in the face of it. Doing so is the beginning of real power in this world, rather than the illusion thereof.


Regarding "morality": everybody, without exception, thinks they are the "good guys" Lucas. Everybody is the hero of their own story. From Genghis Kahn ordering his troops to kill all of the males in a village and rape the rest, to owners of modern-day child armies in Africa, to pedophile necrophiliacs on death row, everyone is of the opinion that they've made the best choice available given the circumstances. Everyone thinks they are virtuous "underneath it all".

I do my best to divest myself of any such illusions. I do what I do because it serves my curiosity and I enjoy the ego boost of doing what few people dream of. Whether what I do is for good or for ill is likely something I'll only discover years after the fact, or perhaps when I'm dead and gone and eternity grants me a quick look back.

Regarding morality as it relates to organizations: it doesn't. An organization is, inherently, an amoral construction. Think of it like an insect. Good or evil are abstract concepts beyond the insect's capacity for comprehension. While all organizations are originally birthed for theoretically virtuous reasons, those reasons quickly get forgotten. "Mission and Value Statements" are forgotten in any organization over 10 years old. After that point it exists for one reason only: to grow.

This is true of corporations, government agencies, and even charities. The people who make it run are operating on an insect-level logic, and are neither moral nor immoral. They just operate.

While you may disagree from a philosophical point of view, I must urge you to accept it from a functional point of view. This has been tested and proven to be a useful way to work with organizations time and time again. We get fantastic results using this approach. I dare say that if organizations were moral... well, there wouldn't be much for me to do in a day.


Your comment about my casual yet confusing reference to mind control programs and the like is well taken. When something is well-understood the mistake is to begin to consider it "obvious", no matter how specialized the knowledge happens to be. It is a logical blunder that I will do my best not to repeat.

One point that should be quickly clarified then: the express purpose of erasing my early life from my mind was purely to give myself a "blank slate" upon which to build what I will. No biases, no old wounds that need healing, no old wishes to be just like mommy or daddy or big bro, just a grand vast void within which I can construct whatever I fancy.


This email has already gone on a fair bit without covering my areas of expertise, which was the original intent when I took the keyboard this evening. In general one might say that I'm a coordinator of other people's genius.

Earlier in my career I polished up and codified the extensive work from the past century or so in the manipulation of public perception. We're at a point now where the general public is easy enough to manipulate that even an idiot can handle the task, and so I'm only ever called in when something on a global scale needs to be addressed. It's a fairly old science anyway.

The best example I can think of is when Constantine decided to convince Christians that there was no such thing as reincarnation, removing all references to it from the books of the Bible. Such was his success that centuries later Christians are completely unaware of the earlier versions of their own sacred document. Biblical scholars are trained even now to omit any book from the Bible deemed "inconsistent", and so a dozen or so books are floating around out there that are considered sacrilegious even though they're more "authentic" than what is referred to as holy.

There was a time where I considered Constantine's achievement the high-water mark for public manipulation but so much has been done since then, and the techniques have become so easy, that the whole thing bores me now.

Given my personal experiences and natural talents I was recruited at one point to work as a handler for programmed operatives that have been sprinkled around the world, all of whom consider themselves normal people living normal lives. It was a complete waste of my talents. You learn a few trigger words and programming protocols and send them off to seduce or kill someone, then suggest some false memories and send them on their way. Ultimately you're using about as much of your mind as you might operating a crane or a remote control car. While the boredom was a big contributor to my moving on, the tipping point was the paperwork. Layers upon layers of encoding, government protocols, and the constant droning speeches of how it was all for the "greater good" and a "higher cause" blah blah blah... nothing is more tedious than a person who takes themselves seriously, and the people I was forced to work with at the time were pathetic zealots.

There are a few stories there I suppose, both in some large-scale manipulations we've pulled off and some intrigue with a half-dozen three letter agencies, but maybe we'll come back to all of that later. On with the timeline...

It was around this point that I took a year long sabbatical to decide on where I really wanted to spend my time. I deconstructed the mind control programs that people were using and found them to be fairly complete, with little room for true innovation beyond what amounts to parlor tricks. I investigated the newer work being done in nootropics, brainwave entrainment, and magnetic brain interference patterns. Somewhere along the lines I came across what became the bulk of my current work: the "real" manipulation of space/time through altered perception. This led me down the road of the occult, psychedelics, and other newly-invented fields of study that I haven't had the opportunity to name yet.

I'll have to give some thought on how to continue with this. It occurs to me that the past few paragraphs have fallen into the trap of assuming you know what I'm talking about when, likely, you have no idea. Most people don't. Perhaps giving specific examples of experiments I've run will help. Let me take a few days to consider how to do so without exposing anyone.

Meanwhile, feel free to ask more questions.



Friday, September 9, 2011

НЛО над Москвой

September 7, 2011 above Moscow at 20:33 local time, recorded on a cellphone:

Why these things aren't restricted to daylight hours I do not know. There's a video camera in the hands of every person on the planet at the moment people! Think!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Confessions, Part 2

See Confessions, Part 1.



I'm glad your skeptical. Stay that way. Belief in anything is a mistake. There's not a thought that can be expressed by human language that isn't, in some way, off the mark. A good friend of mine often reminds me that "nothing is knowable". Your mistrust is wisdom.

As far as convincing you or offering you "proofs", I've no real interest. What is in this for me is the act of finally telling someone what has happened from my point of view. Whether that someone ever believes me is completely beside the point.

But do needle me with questions if something seems out of place Lucas. That's a tendency that others will find irritating but you'll need to continue the habit.

As for the gaggle of strange and duplicitous figures from The Nautonier, Neurocam, and of course our dear Yellow-1, let's just say... nothing that is said is meant to communicate knowledge. Rather, it is meant to have an effect. You will be told things that aren't "true" in the strictest sense of how we use that word, but that doesn't mean it isn't important to work with what you're given. See the Freemason Degree system for a good public example of that.

Besides, the trick with these groups is that they're larger than the members realize. You know how it is with these things... all of it is cell-based, people who think they're in charge are often just pawns, and there may or may not even be a head. Most of the time it isn't important to know one way or another, and this system of operation in ignorance has been quite effective.

That's how the current crisis started of course... but I digress...

Good bunch though, always up for a bit of hey-hey and what-what if you know what I mean.


So, you'd like to start with me and my work. Of all the things you could have asked, that's one of the most difficult. Still, I find the idea of talking about myself an interesting one considering how little I know about the subject.

A few months ago I was cleaning out an old residence of mine, shredding old papers and disposing of a bit of equipment that had been left there. One always needs to go back and sweep up the detritus, Lucas. I've seen entire enterprises fall apart because someone left a few notes behind that get discovered by another organization and the next thing you know "smallpox" is back.

I was shifting a larger filing cabinet onto a dolly when I noticed a folder had slipped through onto the floor. I've taped folders to the back of drawers before, but apparently the tape gave out at some point. Strangely, I had no memory of doing this. When I opened the folder I was quite surprised at the contents.

Apparently at some point I had put my "real" papers there. Here was my birth certificate, passport, driver's license and even my high school diploma. It was the first time I had seen my birth name in print in years.

Obviously, I shredded it all before burning it.

My original identity, the one my parents gave me, is something I've carefully purged from the world as well as my own memory. The reason for this was a good one, I think, but the truth is I can't really remember the whole story from back then. More than likely it was a precursor to the intense mental training and surgery that followed.

The work that I do takes me through a number of organizations that are often under the impression that they are working against one another. In order to encourage this misconception I'll often create identities and histories for myself. This allows me to see things from the perspective of other people with complete sincerity, and it also allows me to blend in with groups I would otherwise not connect with at all. Each personality is fully formed and "runs the show", so to speak, with an "operating system" personality running in the background to keep me on-task. One might say that I have a dissociative disorder, only I generally feel like I'm in the driver's seat and am fully capable of consciously managing the different identities and the personalities that go along with them.

It's quite handy. Things like panic and rage become completely optional. I can cry or laugh and mean it whole-heartedly, and I can watch with casual detachment as surgery is done on my knee or my entire life's work goes down in flames. Sexual preference is arbitrary. Allergies can be mounted or unmounted as needed. True psychopathy and a state very close to autism is available to me as well.

The pathos I used when reacting to the sounds in Kiev, for instance, was genuine at the time.

In order to acquire this skill I was put through some intense training, a strict chemical and drug schedule, and a little minor surgery at the brain stem. Nothing too invasive, just a bit of damage that allowed me to heal the tissue back in a new way. I'm fairly confident that I'm not one of those dolls that have been brainwashed through trauma-based mind control from early childhood - my "therapy" is radically different from the procedures they undergo. I became involved in the work a bit too late in life for that anyhow; at my age the traditional trauma mind recoding systems would just reduce me to a useless gibbering mass.

It should be noted that I did lose about a year and a half of memory at one point after my training had begun, This was about 3 years after the purge point of my early memories. During that time a few people thought to use me as they typically would a member of one of the formal mind control programs. When I began to reconstruct a "sense of self" enough to work around the programming, believe me, my "handlers" paid dearly.

I am an independent agent. Would-be handlers know better now.

Sadly, this hasn't resulted in the ability to "download" information into the brain. I've run a few experiments on this over the years, of course, but current technology only just barely achieves what a good hypnotherapist can accomplish without any outside aid. I had always meant to come back to this but more tantalizing projects came along and it fell by the wayside.

That's enough about me for now. Next time I'll discuss my work in brief.

Do let me know if you have questions.



Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Confessions, Part 1

I was recently contacted by a young Yellow-1 agent named Lucas and asked to clarify the source of my apprehension regarding the strange sounds in Kiev this past August and the "it has come" playlist. The correspondence has taken a direction that I didn't anticipate.

I will post my replies over the coming weeks, omitting the agent's emails for privacy's sake. May you find them enlightening.



In my officially unofficial capacity as "Globe Trotting Mad Scientist" I'm frequently afforded quite a bit of latitude when it comes to what I can or cannot say. I'm free to drop hints, foreshadow, and otherwise make vague reference to what is going on. They get a little irritated at me, but ultimately it's understood that my doing so advances our cause more often than not.

When it comes to specifics, however, it's often against the best interest of... all concerned... for me to send intimate details. There are a great number of fates worse than death, Lucas, that befall those who talk to much. I should know. I've invented and tested quite a few of them myself.

Normally I'd leave it at that, not wanting to spend my remaining years in a hell beyond all imagining. (I sincerely hope that, as my compatriots believe, there is no afterlife. If there is we're in trouble.)

Your timing, however, is fortuitous.

We've just finished a large disinformation campaign where the noises heard the world over have been explained away as deep-drilling projects, rocket experiments (people always buy that one), and in one case a malfunctioning piece of equipment in a steel plant. Local news outlets have picked up the stories and run with them. More conspiratorially-minded individuals have been inundated with dozens of random ideas from tectonic plate shifting to cosmic storms to increased solar activity. They seem happy with these ideas despite the freely available public data clearly demonstrating that things are normal in those areas.

Remember Lucas: never pester the public with the "facts". They'll hate you for it. Even if I were to send a press release explaining the true cause of all of this, it would now be dismissed as crackpot propaganda.

This allows me to be a little more frank on the subject.

Besides, the honest truth is that it's been so long since I've been honest I'm... well, hungry for the experience. Something about the current apocalypse is bothering me in a much more personal way than normal. Maybe this is what they're referring to when they talk about "conscience"... or maybe I'm just tired of never being able to take full credit for my work.

Since I'm not currently operating in an official agent-facing capacity (do they still call them "agents"? or is it "operatives" these days?) I can't ask you to keep anything I say private... and frankly I don't care to. Feel free to share anything I send you with anyone. I know that there's always someone looking over my shoulder, even if they want me to believe they aren't reading my emails. So if I tell you something I shouldn't, it will be as if I've told the world as far as they're concerned... and at that point it will be the last thing I ever write.

I'll toe the line as best I can.

Tonight I am tired beyond my capacity to type further, but I'll get back to you soon. Think of specific questions in the meanwhile, that will help.



Monday, August 22, 2011

Strange sound in Kiev on August 11th 2011

If I'm being completely honest, I thought I had a few decades left before this happened.

I'm not generally one for emotion but... pray to whatever deity you believe in. This was... I can't believe this. A big part of me thought it was never going to happen at all.

If there's ever been anything you wanted to do before the end, now is the time.

My sincerest apologies. I wish I could say more.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Penetrating Causal Loop Closures

The following film, produced by an independent crew, is a good example of the hazards involved in penetrating causal loop closures. The fact is that it takes quite a bit of time and effort to create these things, and the general public shouldn't be meddling.

Granted, these loops are hazardous enough to dispose of any interlopers in the first place, but we need to control the interactions that occur inside. Random stimulus from a car full of teenage boys, for instance, is an unwanted and uncontrolled diversion.

No Through Road

Monday, April 25, 2011

Y1 Transmission for April 25 2011

Caution: this is a Yellow-1 Transmission. While safe for casual viewing, repeated exposure WITHOUT THE PROPER EQUIPMENT can cause issues. Reports of headaches, nausea, stomach cramps, panic, and general anxiety can be sent to myself or directly to Operations.

For those of you without proper contact information, see

Additional notes:

While these results are promising, we must use caution. The entities involved seem as if they are under our control, but this may be a deception. After all, deception is their nature.

To be honest, I would feel a lot better about this if they seemed out of control.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

World's Best Manipulators

(Cross-post from the Yellow 1 forums.)

I'm sorting through my research material at the moment and paring it down into the most distilled and results-oriented stuff I can find. At the moment I'm wondering if perhaps there is something I have overlooked.

So, here is my question: who are the world's most skilled manipulators?

Now, you'll be tempted to say "politicians". While I'll agree that they are influential, they are the equivalent of a CEO at the head of "Manipulation Inc". They themselves do not hold all that much skill, and are easily caught unawares and unable to handle a changing situation. Rather, they coordinate those that can and do manipulate the public.

The only other type of restriction I've placed on this is the train of logic that would lead people to say "lawyers". These people are 90% beaurocrat, and a good lawyer isn't a good manipulator but rather just very good at paper work. Life doesn't resemble what you see on TV.

My list so far (in no particular order):
  • Pick Up Artists (see PUA community)
  • Hypnotists (therapeutic and entertainment, also includes NLP practitioners)
  • Advertisers
  • Sales professionals
  • Psychiatrists
  • Psychopaths and Sociopaths (not universally, but many of the successful ones)
  • Grifters and Con Men
  • Cult Leaders
  • Trauma-based Mind Control Experts (some organizations do still practice this)
  • Chinese thought-reform professionals

My suspicion is that this is a fairly complete list. These 10 categories cover the specialist thinking required to manipulate people in a live situation.

What I'd like to know is:
  • Does anyone have any questions about an item on the above list?
  • What should be added?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"Fun" Loop - Test Results

--- excerpt from the official report, see "Yellow-1 experiment 1042.Gamma - Direct Drive Happy Zen Induction" ---

Nobody is more surprised than I am at the results we're getting here. Test subjects that successfully surrender to this clip achieve a relaxed and pleasant state of Zen, where their minds become silent and their moods are slightly elevated.

Once this state of mind is achieved (characterized by the subjects complete lack of concern over watching the clip again) we run them through the standard series of tasks designed to be complicated and frustrating. Consistently we're finding that test subjects score much higher in every single type of test, whether it be problem-solving, memory, or social dynamics. Everything simply becomes easy and "fun".

It should be noted that not all test subjects were able to achieve the desired mental state in the same amount of time. Some arrived within minutes, while others took hours. A few stubbornly refused the input, and consequentially had a complete mental breakdown. Further post-analysis of these subjects can be done in the Recovery Room.

My own experience exposing myself to the "Fun" loop yielded the proper results. My work efficiency was increased dramatically, and I found it easier to relate to our interns. While the preclusion of any critical thinking isn't desirable as a permanent state, it certainly is a useful tool to have.

Generation of a replacement clip is critical, however. The compression used in the audio causes strain in many tissues, both in the ear canal and some parts of the brain. Some added effect in the studio for the general suppression of the listener's thinking patterns has also been detected, and it's worth finding out whether or not this has something to do with the results we're getting or if it's an unrelated phenomena.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Content of the above transmission refers to some of the work that ran through the Distortions Program. This isn't really my department, but from what I understand they are continuing their work. Do follow the proper channels through Operations if you want to know more.

I feel comfortable calling this transmission a "live Beta". I'll be interested in seeing the reports that come in from the field.

Caution: this is a Yellow-1 Transmission. While safe for casual viewing, repeated exposure WITHOUT THE PROPER EQUIPMENT can cause issues. Reports of headaches, nausea, stomach cramps, panic, and general anxiety can be sent to myself or directly to Operations.

For those of you without proper contact information, see

Ownership and copyright of audio and video not implied. Both audio and video fall under fair use for teaching and critical commentary.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Research Findings: Y1 Transmissions

--- excerpt from the official report, see "Y1 Transmissions: Initial Results and Collateral Damage of The Cycle Prototype" ---

While overall The Cycle has proven successful, there is certainly room for improvement. I wonder now if releasing the full 5 segments simultaneously was a bit of hubris on my part. Yes, the test subjects knew what they were getting into before we started, as upper management has repeatedly reminded me. Still, we do have to do our own cleaning around here, and this was a real mess.

The next live prototype, due for release in just a few days on the 25th, will need to be more compressed. This will enable us to accomplish two things:
  1. Increase the power of the transmitted signal for a tighter, more focused effect.
  2. Simplify repetition of the entire transmission by just having it in a single file.
The transmission itself will actually address some of our more public operations. More on this in a few days. Also, I will be publishing directly to my own YouTube channel in order to monitor results a little more closely.

One final word: I need to address the growing pressure to use the combination of binaurals and ****CENSORED**** technology as seen in Y1LT - An Interview. Once more I would like to reiterate that I am not a janitor, and if other staff members want to deal with the mess that system leaves in its wake in the hopes that the few survivors yield desired results, they can be my guest.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Y1-Transmission Experiment #4

More work needs to be done.

This shouldn't be considered a full prototype.

Still, as early experiments go, we're getting promising results here.

UPDATE: Final formatting has been completed well ahead of the expected due date. A prototype series has been created, and will be available for Yellow-1 agents shortly.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Re: The Prestige

This is a response to Are you watching closely?, relating to the movie The Prestige and the use of the methods of magic in the advancement of our goals.

I don't think the film explained this in a way that is easily grasped, mostly because they took too long to explain it and the definition got muddled. Here's a fresh walk-through:

First "the Pledge". This sets up expectation. Without expectation, nothing is possible. Without expectation people won't notice the bird disappeared in the first place. It's strange but true - it might be another week before they look back and think: "hey, did I see that bird fly off? I can't remember... ah well..."

"The Turn" is what is conventionally thought of as the trick itself. It is the technical illusion. The bird disappeared.

"The Prestige" is the signal to the audience that it's time to feel something. Up until that moment they aren't processing what they've seen. The bird disappeared... but they feel nothing about it. Nothing.

It is this state that is the entire point of having a Pledge or Turn in the first place. They are in a state of trance, waiting for a command on how to feel.

"The Prestige" is that command. In conventional magic the command is: "Ta-daaa!" translated from "be amazed!" Glory for the performer is secondary, but still exists. It builds his credibility, and makes future Pledges easier for the audience to accept.


In our case the command is different, and so the results are different. Regardless, it is results that matter.

That's it in a nutshell.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Count the procedural violations...

Taken in the early 1940s. The agent in question has been reprimanded.

Fortunately forgetomori has, unbidden by us, done a good job creating doubt.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: Quantum12

Cross-post from

My problem with being "anti-competition": painting in broad strokes results in a picture that lacks any semblance of the subject being discussed. All the detail is lost.

Also, here we see "competition" replaced with "fighting an enemy". Same activities, different target. No real change.

However, with a small adjustment your message can offer a great many new ways of approaching the world. Here are my thoughts:

Being "anti-" anything is a waste of effort.
Working against anything creates nothing.
Rather, be "pro-" something.
Built, create, augment.
This is the road to wealth, health, wisdom and growth.

The copy/paster behind this anti-capitalist manifesto uses the word "quantum" in his name.
Remember the true lesson of quantum physics: reality is created when it is perceived.
Obsess on inequality, and you ensure inequality.
This is true no matter which side of the equation you think you're on.
Rather, live free, and find new ways to do so.



Tuesday, February 22, 2011

When You See It...

From Entering shadowy world of neurocam:

From Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 1 Episode 2 (source):

I've had a few chats with the art director, but the original source or inspiration for the engraving remains unknown. May possibly just be original artwork.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Use Of Music In Evocation

This obscure song from over a decade ago still achieves better results than all formula-based materials generated since. This is not acceptable. We cannot continue to fall back on the "Strand Standard", considering the variances recently sited in my latest report.

To put it simply: either more options must be generated within the next year, or we will need to consider a few of the more radical solutions as detailed in Appendix B.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Boards Re-Launch

Having lain fallow for some time, and allowed to fall into the chaos and disorder at the mercy of spam bots, the boards have now been purged and cleaned. Active agents may now register.

Feel free to exchange information about current operations in the hidden areas.